Home Recipes & CraftsCrafts & DIY Simple Birdcage Fairy Garden

Simple Birdcage Fairy Garden

by Dawn
fairy garden

How to Make a Quick and Easy Birdcage Fairy Garden at Home

I found a super cute decorative birdcage at Michael’s the other day and just had to buy it, but then couldn’t figure out what to do with it!

Then I thought, “Why not make a fairy garden out of it?” I mean, the holes are big enough for the fairies to go in and out, right?? Yes, I know, I’m a tad weird (but that’s part of my charm!)

I ended up buying a couple of plants, some inexpensive fairy garden accessories, and lights. I already had several small decorative pots, along with some sheet moss for the bottom of the birdcage.

Note: Thrift stores are great places to find really inexpensive decorative pots. You might even get lucky enough to find a birdcage, you never know!

The whole thing only took me about 30 minutes to make, and that’s including assembling all the supplies and taking the pictures for you, so this is nice and easy. In fact, this is so simple I wasn’t sure I should even write about it, but I thought someone out there might enjoy it!

birdhouse fairy garden

Maybe the kids are driving you crazy and you need to keep them busy for a bit, or you need a cute last-minute gift. Here you go!

So, let’s get started……

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Materials Needed

  • Decorative birdcage (this is similar to the one I used)
  • Small string of lights (battery-operated or plug-in, your choice)- NOTE that these are for indoor use only!
  • Two-three small plants
  • Decorative pots (these are pretty and these fox pots are just adorable!)
  • Fairy garden accessories (if you want fairy garden overload, here you go!)
  • Sheet moss
  • Hot glue gun and hot glue

Note: When you’re selecting plants, be sure to think about where you’re going to be placing your garden. If you’re putting it inside, you’ll want plants that do well as houseplants. If you’re going to be placing your garden outside, pay attention to sun and shade requirements.


First, plug in your lights or put batteries in and make sure they actually light! I know that sounds silly, but how many times have you put lights on your Christmas tree and then discovered the string had a loose or broken bulb and wouldn’t light? Yup, that.

If you’re using battery-operated lights like I did, it’s easiest to hot glue the battery pack to the back of the birdcage. You can see how I did it below.

batteries on birdhouse

NOTE: The lights I bought were really cheap and I have to remove the batteries in order to get them to go off. When I tried to get the batteries out, it broke the hot glue bond and the pack fell off the birdcage. I would recommend ordering lights like the ones above with a timer, or at least get ones with an on-off switch. Do what I say, not what I do. HA!

lights on inside of lid
Here is the string of lights after I hot glued it to the inside of the lid
lights in birdcage
Lights arranged the way I want them

Arrange your lights as you prefer over the top or sides of the cage and glue the wire to the underside of the top of the cage. Once they look the way you want them to, move on to the next step.

plants in birdcage

Simply place your plants in the decorative pots you selected. You can either plant them or just place the pots they’re already in into your decorative containers, assuming they’ll fit. Arrange them in the birdcage however you’d like.

Arrange the sheet moss around the bottom of the birdcage, then add and arrange your accessories.

fairy garden accessories

What I love about this is that you can change the plants whenever you want to, or you can buy some extra accessories and change those out with the seasons or just when the mood strikes.

What I like even better is that this will keep these particular plants out of reach of a certain pussy cat who particularly loves to eat the smaller plant whenever he gets the opportunity! The plant has been outside since it got warm, but I was wondering what to do with it once I have to bring it in this fall. Now I won’t have to worry about it!

Tazzy, my plant-killing cat
Don’t let him fool you, he just looks innocent!
When he’s awake, he murders plants

The History of Fairy Gardens

I was curious about when fairy gardening actually came into being, and thought you might be too, so I did some digging.

Believe it or not, fairy gardens have been around for more than 120 years, and probably started at the Chicago World’s Fair in 1893 when there was an exhibit of bonsai dish gardens.

Obviously, fairy gardens have become seriously popular since, with accessories upon accessories, and entire businesses devoted to them.

fairy garden hanging on patio
Here it is hanging from the gazebo on my patio

Fairy Garden Ideas

If you’d like to get a whole lot more in-depth and complicated with your fairy gardening, check out some of the ideas below. There are some really nice ones here, I may have to play…..

Country Living Fairy Garden Ideas

15 Breathtaking DIY Fairy Gardens (these are amazing!)

37 DIY Miniature Fairy Garden ideas

100 Best Fairy Garden Ideas (Yes, 100!)

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s post and you’ll give my simple birdhouse fairy garden a try. If you do make your own, I’d love to see pictures and share them with my readers. Feel free to email me at [email protected] and let me know if it’s ok for me to share them.

I’ve also included a couple of pinnable images below. Please pin to any appropriate Crafts or DIY board you might have so you can find it for future reference.

As always, thanks for reading, smile, and have a crazy organic day!

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How to Make a Quick and Easy Birdhouse Fairy Garden at Home


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Nikki Gwin 08/18/2019 - 10:02 pm

What a great idea! And I saw the perfect birdcage on FB Marketplace just today. I may just have to buy it.
🙂 gwingal

Dawn 08/20/2019 - 12:33 pm

Go for it!

Linda Carlson 07/27/2019 - 4:51 pm

To cute. I had not thought about a bird cage.. The history was interesting.

Sarita 07/26/2019 - 9:54 am

So pretty! A fun project for a rainy summer day. I noticed you used what looks like a mug? I have a few chipped ones this could work with. Thanks for the creative idea!

Dawn 07/27/2019 - 4:33 pm

My daughter had gotten it for me awhile back and it just looked so nice in there that I figured I’d use it. I hope you enjoy it. Please come back and share a pic if you decide to make one!


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